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Khejri tree – Benefits and Easy Growing Guide

Khejri tree
Khejri tree

Khejri tree is a tree in the dry barren areas of Rajasthan on which many living beings depend, this tree should be grown as much as possible in such barren land in today’s time. But unfortunately, we do not have much knowledge about it, so even today many people are surprised by the name of Khejri tree that which tree is this! whose name we have never heard.

If you live in Rajasthan then you must know about Khejri tree, many people also call it Shami plant, this tree provides food for animals and also creates employment for people, so you should also know about this invaluable tree of our India.

About the Khejri tree

Due to the intense heat of Rajasthan, the entire area is barren and no plant or tree can be grown. Sometimes, water scarcity is also seen in some areas and hence no farming can be done.

In such a situation, Khejri tree is the only tree that grows easily even in such intense heat and provides food to people. In ancient times, people used to worship this tree as a god. People believe that this tree is a blessing given by God.

Khejri tree is a hardy, drought-resistant tree that has been a symbol of survival in the harsh desert of Rajasthan. Many people consider it just a wild tree, while some farmers earn lakhs of rupees annually from it. Recently, a farmer named Sujana Ram of Barmer told that after three years it becomes a source of income. And he has planted a total of 2000 Khejri trees in his fields, from which he earns more than 2 lakh rupees annually.

The farmer says that apart from giving income, Khejri tree provides shelter to many animals and it is also a private home for many animals, it also gives birth to many natural plants. However, this tree is a wild tree and it is mostly seen in forests because no one wants to grow it in their home.

Some people believe that this tree is harmful for other plants but this is not true. People of Rajasthan also use its wood, fruits and leaves.

How to grow Khejri tree?

Khejri tree

Khejri tree is very easy to grow, this is a tree that can easily grow and grow even in extremely dry areas, it does not even need regular water. However, to grow it in other states of India, some rules have to be followed, which we have mentioned below, please read it carefully.

Birth a Khejri plant from a seed

When the fruits of Khejri tree ripen and fall from the tree, then you can use it to grow other plants. However, it is not necessary that you grow the plant from the seed only, as I have said that this tree grows in the forests, so you can also get it from its birthplace “Rajasthan”.

And if you cannot go to Rajasthan, then you will have to grow it in your home, so first of all take sand in a pot and plant the seed of Khejri tree in it at a little depth, then pour water and soak the whole sand and leave it like this.

After a few days it will grow into a new plant, although the time of growth of the plant will depend on the climate of your garden, if your state also has high temperatures then it will germinate quickly and you will get a new plant very soon.

Plant Care

Khejri plant does not require any special care, if you want, you can grow it quickly by giving it the right amount of nutrients. First of all, you have to choose a place where there is strong sunlight during the day and the soil is a little sandy.

If there is no such place in your garden, then you can prepare the soil as per the requirement of the plant to grow it. First of all, plow the soil well and mix as much sand as possible in it.

Then you have to loosen the soil well by adding water, this will make the soil suitable for the plant and the plant will grow quickly.


Khejri tree
Khejri tree

Use some natural fertilizer while tilling the soil, it will provide nutrients to the plant, though it grows in sandy and hot areas but it grows very slow and most of the plants die, so you need to give it enough nutrition.

If you are cultivating Khejri tree then you should use fertilizer or use natural manure like cow dung, this will provide maximum nutrition and the plant will grow quickly and will also be healthy.


Khejri tree
Khejri tree

No plant can grow without sunlight, that is why we have already said that you have to choose a place where you get strong sunlight throughout the day. Like other plants, it needs care when it is very small. When the plant grows a little, you can leave it like that.

So in the initial days, take extra care of the plant and protect it from the bright rays of the sun. It will grow faster with cool rays. For this, you can use modern equipment.


I have already said that this tree not only provides benefits to humans, it is also home to other insects. When the Khejri tree starts growing, then many types of insects start making their home in its branches. It is possible that you may not see this in your garden, but in hot areas like Rajasthan, insects take shelter in this tree to escape from the scorching sun, and due to this the tree gets infected.

To avoid this you can use modern insecticides, otherwise, you can spray neem oil, this will save the tree from infection.


Khejri tree
Khejri tree

Do not take advantage of the tree until it has grown enough. Some people start taking advantage of its leaves or other things when the plant is a little big and as a result the tree never grows. Let it grow and cut the dry leaves and stems and separate them from the tree.

Put sand under the tree at intervals, this will make the soil friable and the roots of the tree will spread well. When the tree starts growing on its own, then you can stop taking care of it.

The threat of conservation

Despite being one of the most recorded trees in the desert, despite all its importance and services to the community by way of food, fodder, wood, and medicine, this tree is struggling for survival.

Over the last few decades, the ecological conditions of the Thar have changed. These studies have pointed to some major threats to the desert ecosystem and some specific threats to the Khejri tree.

Medicinal Uses

Ayurveda has been the best medical system since ancient times and Khejri tree has a lot of importance in Ayurveda. Many diseases are cured by the bark of this tree, in the olden days it was used to protect from scorpion and snake bites and it was also used to prevent abortion, even today it is used in many rural areas.

Although in today’s time modern medicine is more effective, but there are many people and many villages where modern equipment cannot reach and they take help of this type of Ayurvedic medicine. That is why we should save such historical trees and should not let them disappear from the earth.

What is the local name of Khejri tree?

In Rajasthan, Khejri tree is known as Shami tree.

What is the use of Khejri tree?

Khejri tree found in the desert areas of Rajasthan is a life giving tree, this tree is used in many ways, humans use it as food, fuel, medicine etc., and this tree is also a source of food for animals.

Is the Khejri tree poisonous?

No, the Khejri tree is a life-providing tree, people eat its fruits and animals eat its leaves.

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Friends, there are lakhs of trees on our earth whose names we have never heard, but they are a boon for the local people, and there are many trees that have played an important role in our lives since ancient times, Khejri tree is also one of them, it is our duty to protect the heritage of our country, we should take care that our culture does not get lost in modern times, by the way, whatever is in your mind, please tell us by commenting.

Brahma kamal – Sacred Saussurea, Care, Vastu, Best Growing tips

Brahma kamal plant, Sacred Saussurea
Brahma kamal plant, Sacred Saussurea

Brahma Kamal, which is a boon of Lord Brahma, this flower, apart from being beautiful in appearance, can also have many effects on your daily life. The flowers of this plant are very beautiful and full of fragrance, hence Brahma Kamal. The price of Kamal plant is the highest these days.

Brahma kamal plant, Sacred Saussurea
Brahma kamal plant, Sacred Saussurea

These flowers are of two types, the first is pink and the second is white. You can plant Brahma Kamal in your garden or in your house, it is very beautiful as well as will add charm to your garden.

But it is important to nurture this plant. And It is very difficult, because this plant is a relative of a Cactus species, and it grows better in cool places.

Therefore, for those people who want to plant Brahma Kamal plants in hot areas. It becomes difficult for them to take proper care of it, sometimes this plant dies due to Overheating environment, so we have written this article and told how you can grow Brahma Kamal plant in any condition, please read below.

Plant name Brahma Kamal
Scientific name Saussurea Obvallata
Place Himalayas, Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan & south-west China
Flower Color Pink, White, Light Yellow

How to grow Brahma Kamal?

Brahma kamal plant, Sacred Saussurea

In any region of the world, you can grow Brahma Kamal plant from its leaves. However, this plant can also be grown from its seeds, but Bramha Kamal seeds are rarely available because its flowers mostly fall, hence People grow this plant with the help of its leaves.

The leaf of Brahma Kamal plant is very big and you can grow 2 to 3 plants from one leaf, with some unscientific techniques more than 3 plants can be grown from one leaf, but we advise you to grow only 2 plants from one leaf.

Next Stage

First of all, take a healthy Brahma Kamal leaf and divide it into two parts. Remember to always keep the upper part of the leaf upwards and bury the lower part in the soil, for the health of the plant and for new plants to grow from the leaf. Fertilize in the right way. For this you can use cow dung.

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After burying the leaf in the soil, pour water in it once and leave it like that. Keep in mind that direct sunlight should not fall on the leaf, it needs morning sun rays but keep the plant in such a place where it is slightly soft. It needs rays, and it gets shade in the heat.

After 15 to 1 month, you will notice that new leaves are emerging from the leaves. It is also possible that your plant may grow a little bigger, this plant does not require large amounts of water. Keep in mind that you should water it only when The soil seems dry.

Note: The leaves of Brahma Kamal are very big and thick, hence this plant stores water in its leaves, hence this plant does not require regular watering, due to excess water this plant dies. Water it only once a month, and if you live in a place where it is extremely hot, then water it as needed only when the soil dries up.

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How to care Brahma kamal plant

After the appearance of new leaves of the plant, now comes the stage of taking care of it, with proper care the plant grows well and new leaves start coming in it, which is Brahma Kamal plant is a plant of Cactus species, hence it also needs more care. It is not necessary, yet like any other plant, the Brahm Kamal plant also needs some care.

In the initial days of Brahma Kamal plant, when its flowers start appearing, you have to take care that the bud does not dry up and fall, in most of the plants its leaves fall. This happens because you have not taken proper care of the plant.

Some people consider this plant like other ordinary plants and hence they take care of it just like an ordinary plant, give regular water and also use liquid fertilizer, but you have to keep this in mind That the Brahma Kamal plant does not need everyone.

This plant can drink water itself, because this plant stores water in its leaves. And this plant blooms flowers only 1 to 2 times in a year, which wither during the day and get refreshed at night.

Therefore, if you cut its flowers thinking that they are not blooming during the day. Then it will be your mistake, for more information read the information given below.


Brahma kamal plant, Sacred Saussurea
Brahma kamal plant, Sacred Saussurea

Sometimes the Brahma Kamal plant does not give flowers even after four to five years of age, the reason for this is that the place where you have planted the Brahma Kamal plant will be a hot area, due to which your plant will not produce flowers properly.

Plant Brahma Kamal at such a place where it can get light for at least 3 hours. Along with that, you have to pay attention to one thing that direct light should not fall on the plant. Light should fall on the plant which should be cool. The light should remain on for at least 3 hours.

Morning sun rays are beneficial for any plant, hence you should keep this plant in such a place where the morning sun rays fall directly on its leaves.

Pot size

Space also matters a lot for every plant, the plant grows well with adequate space. Hence the size of the pot on which you are going to plant the Brahma Kamal plant should be at least 18 to 14 inches.

The roots of the Kamal plant go deep into the soil, that is why the depth of its root should also be as much as possible.


Brahma kamal plant, Sacred Saussurea
Brahmakamal plant, Sacred Saussurea

As we have said that this plant does not require daily water to grow, this plant stores water in its leaves, and when the time comes, it itself fulfills its need of water, hence Brahma Kamal plant. Do not water it daily.

Take the soil in your hand and check it. If the soil seems dry, then add water to it according to the size of the pot. Also, plant it at a place where the soil does not dry up quickly.

Note: Plant this plant in a pot in which water does not flow out, by doing this the soil will remain wet for a longer time and the plant will continue to get water regularly.

When the age of the plant is more than 2 months, then you have to water it once in 3 days. When you water, the roots of the plant have to be completely soaked and do not water until the soil absorbs the water completely. Water has to be given, it takes at least 2 to 3 days for the soil to soak completely.


Brahma kamal plant, Sacred Saussurea
Brahma kamal plant, Sacred Saussurea

If the leaves of your Brahma Kamal plant are turning brown then it is not a big deal. If it is happening in large numbers then you can bring fungus powder from the market. Spraying this powder will not turn your leaves brown.

Now it comes to the fertilizer of Brahm Kamal Tree. If we talk about fertilizer then this plant requires a lot of nutrients, due to which you have to fertilize it twice in a short period, where you can use Cow Manure Compost. It is used, which you will find in any market or shop.

If you are using cow dung manure, then keep in mind that the cow dung should be well decomposed. If you use dry cow dung manure, then the problem of insects getting on your plants can also increase. To avoid this, you can use DAP, Baman chemical. You can also use account

Note: 1. Do not use any kind of chemical fertilizer on Brahma Kamal plants, due to its effect your plant can get damaged. Read the information given above carefully about which type of fertilizer you have to use.
Note: 2. If your Brahma Kamal plant is three to four years old, then use only one teaspoon of powder in it, if your plant is younger than this, then use half a teaspoon of fungus powder.

Brahma kamal plant benefits

Brahma Kamal plant can be very beneficial for today,. It has many benefits like many types of medicines are made from its fruits and many types of attars are also made from its flowers.

Its roots and its leaves are also used as medicine, if you plant it in your house. Then this plant also affects your Vaastu, due to which all your pains and sufferings go away, and your house becomes prosperous. Happiness comes.

Brahma Kamal flower is mostly offered in Kedarnath and Badrinath, for this reason, if you cultivate it, it can bring you a good income. Due to the flower being rare, the demand for this flower increases many times, but it Most of them are not found in the market, hence its demand also increases.

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Pink Brahma kamal

There are many stories about Brahma Kamal, according to them. Pink Brahma Kamal is very auspicious, although it is rarely seen and is found in very small numbers. But to acquire it means to grow it and nurture it well and it will blossom into a flower. It is very auspicious to bring.

Along with that, a lot of pride is also felt in growing this flower. Pink Brahma kamal are rarely seen in normal places because they like cold areas, as compared to normal Bramha kamal.

The Pink Brahma kamal is very expensive in the market. This Pink Brahm Kamal is besides being beautiful in appearance, it is also good for Vaastu, it can also prove to be lucky for you to a great extent.

If you are thinking of planting Bramha lotus flower at home, or in your garden, then you can definitely do so, you will have to take care of this plant like your own children, and only then this plant grows well. Gives more product.

Brahma kamal plant and vastu

Brahma kamal plant, Sacred Saussurea

Nature has given us many gifts, one of which is Brahma Kamal flower. Which actually has a great impact in human life, by using it properly we can bring happiness in our daily life. Many people can get this plant. We take it, but without proper information we are deprived of its flowers.

According to the scriptures, if Brahma Kamal is planted at Brahm place at home. Then all the Vaastu defects related to that place are removed. The tradition of offering Brahma Kamal is going on in Kedarnath and Badrinath. But you should keep in mind that When you are using Brahma Kamal. It should not be purchased, it should be from your home.

Because according to the scriptures Brahma Kamal is neither bought nor sent anywhere. Hence if you are buying this flower from somewhere then give it as a gift to a loved one.

Brahma kamal price

In today’s time, the price of Brahma Kamal plant can range from Rs 400 to Rs 1000. In some places its price is even higher. The price of the plant depends on its health and its height. Although every plant is available online these days. And Brahm Kamal will also be available in many online stores. But before you can get a good plant, some things must be kept in mind.

While buying plants online or from shops, you should pay special attention to some things. About which we have mentioned below, please read it carefully.

  1. The height of the plant should be at least 20 inches.
  2. The plant should have some new leaves.
  3. The health of the main leaf should be good and green. Because the Brahma Kamal plant depends on only one leaf, hence the main leaf should be good.
  4. While purchasing from online, keep in mind that it should not take much time for the plant to reach you. The health of the plant deteriorates within 3 to 4 days.
  5. Buy from a trusted plant seller and read people’s reviews.

What is Brahma kamal common name?

brahma kamal common name is “Sacred Saussurea”, some people also call it King of Himalayan flowers which is how this flower is known by the local people.

Brahma kamal meaning

The meaning of Brahma Kamal is derived from Lord Brahma, that is, the real meaning of this flower is the lotus flower of Lord Brahma, there is a unique mythological story behind it.


So in this article, we have shared some information about a beautiful fragrant flower Brahma Kamal. Which is a boon of nature to us. Plant this plant in your home and enjoy the real fragrance of nature, like some precious plants. Brahma Kamal is also a very rare and precious plant. Hence we should make efforts to save its existence, tell us what you think about this plant by commenting, thanks.

Kalpavriksha tree – Care, Benefits, Story and More

Kalpavriksha tree
Kalpavriksha tree

Kalpavriksha tree is a miracle tree that is found in very small numbers, it is called Kalpa or Kalpa because of its ability to fulfill the needs of human beings. Kalpa Vriksha has many other names and it is also known as Babbm, Bambkesi Adamfonia, and many more.

Kalpa Vriksha is also called a wish-fulfillment tree and this plant is used in many cosmetics. Kalpavriksha tree is now found in very small numbers in India because in today’s time people are not fond of plants. Kalpa Vriksha is There are many features about which we will know, please read the information given below.

According to Jainism in India, there are ten types of Kalpas. These trees grant specific wishes such as clothes, utensils, a House, food, jewelry, and music. Apart from this, in ancient times this plant has been associated with Lord Shri Krishna, which also has many religious beliefs.

Kalpavriksha tree
Kalpavriksha tree

Why Kalpavriksha Tree famous?

Kalpa Vriksha, also known as the “wish-fulfilling tree”, It has an important place in Hindu mythology. And it is believed to fulfill wishes and bring good fortune. According to Hindu mythology, the Kalpa tree was one of the gifts given by the gods and demons from the churning of the ocean of milk.

Some stories are created to attract people towards some material or plant, but today’s man calls those old stories as miracles and adds many more stories to them, and in the end he becomes a god. Takes the name of.

Like Mata Mahakali, it is just a name which people made a story in the past and in today’s time it is a very big God’s name, although there is truth and sweetness in it, as far as I have understood till date and the conclusion I have reached.

Yes, that shows. It is not right to be so attracted towards anything just on the basis of a story. Because it may be just a miraculous story which has been created only to keep humans within their limits.

KKalpavriksha tree has also been described in many Puranic texts. Due to which this tree is very famous in today’s time, but it is also possible that such a story has been used to save the existence of this tree.

Still, in today’s time, very few people believe in it, that is why only 10 thousand people search for it on the internet every month, and the names of love or beautiful girls are searched in millions.

Myth of Kalpavriksha tree

Kalpa means a very long world’s time in ancient times, this time is a total of 4.32 billion years, it is said that at the end of Kalpa the world is destroyed by fire. Which is called the end of the earth in today’s language. It is believed that one Kalpa Vriksha lasts for one Kalpa, these trees are so huge that people used to live inside them.

Our ancestors used to cut this tree and build houses inside it because it is very big and people used to stay safe inside it. Especially in Vishnu Purana and Bhagavata Purana the duration of our universe is limited. And it appears in cycles of Kalpas.

It is said in the Puranas that there is an end time for anything, everything that is born on this earth must have an end time, similarly our universe also has an end time which is measured in the cycle of Kalpa.

Can we keep Kalpa at home?

Any plant can be kept in the house, however, all the plants have their own advantages and disadvantages, like if you keep itchy plants in the house then it will cause trouble to you, in the same way, itchy plants are used to control an animal. If used for this, it will be beneficial for you.

Similarly, there is Kalpavriksha tree too, according to the Puranic story, this tree brings happiness in the house and fulfills the desires of your heart, but this plant is very huge. Therefore it cannot be kept inside the house. If you want to plant this plant in your garden then you can do so.

Many people may have many questions in their mind, but Kalpa Vriksha is one of the good and huge tree species, cool shade is available under its huge trunks. And it is a better plant for human life which helps in keeping the environment calm. So if you do not believe in miracles or God. So you can keep in mind the benefits of modern times and plant Kalpavriksha tree tree in your home.

How to take care of Kalpa Vriksha?

Kalpa Vriksha is a plant which is born from a small seed and it grows to a huge size, but if there is lack of care then this plant can die. Because it is a very rare plant, there is not much information about it. And due to lack of information, people are not able to keep it alive. So let us tell you how you can grow Kalpa Vriksha tree in the right way.


Kalpa Vriksha grows very fast, so it needs the right amount of water and light to grow, but some people think that more water or liquid fertilizer makes the plant grow faster.

Kalpavriksha tree
Kalpavriksha tree

And thinking like this, people start giving more water to the plant than required. And as a result the plant dies or becomes weak within a few days. Therefore, it is important for you to know how much water and how much sunlight is required for the Kalpa Vriksha plant.

Kalpavriksha tree grows very fast, hence it always needs sunlight. Hence keep this plant in such a place where the morning sun rays fall directly on the plant. The plant collects vitamins for its own needs from the sun’s rays and this makes its leaves green and healthy.

Note: When your Kalpa Vriksha plant is small then protect it from the strong rays of the sun, the cool rays of the morning are beneficial for a small plant, but the strong sun rays burn the plant, due to this the leaves of the Kalpa Vriksha plant turn yellow. Let’s go.


Water is necessary for all plants to grow, water is the most important element for every living being on earth, without which no plant or any living being can survive, but the species of Kalpavriksha tree are different, for such plants water is as essential. It was not necessary.

Kalpavriksha tree
Kalpavriksha tree

The leaves of the Kalpa Vriksha plant fall in the winter season of the year. It looks as if the plant has died. You will not be able to see a single leaf in this plant, only the stems are visible in this plant. I had also planted a small Kalpa Vriksha plant in my house and I too did not have any special knowledge about it.

Everyone in the house started saying that the plant is dead, pour water in it. Hearing this, I started watering the plant daily and as a result the plant died within 3 days. You don’t have to make this mistake. This plant does not need water during winter season. During this time, the tree sheds all its leaves to keep itself alive and goes to sleep for a few months.

After a few months, new leaves start growing again. If you start watering during this time then this plant will die. Because its roots rot due to excess water.


Kalpavriksha tree
Kalpavriksha tree

Like other plants, Kalpa Vriksha does not need to be given large amounts of fertilizer. This plant can itself collect the required vitamins. Hence this plant grows only in the soil, and as we have told that Kalpavriksha tree It grows very fast so it does not require any fertilizer.

But, sometimes due to the small size of the plant. It takes a lot of time to grow properly, in such a situation you can use fertilizer as per requirement.

Cow dung manure proves to be very useful in fertiliser. If you do not have cow dung manure then you can also use chemical manure. And you can also use liquid fertilizer available online.

Give the plant enough time to grow. Kalpavriksha tree is not just a plant, it grows to a huge size which creates a beautiful and cool environment for your home.

Note: Many people consider it dead in the fall and throw it away, you have to understand that this is a time which will soon pass and the plant will start growing new leaves. Do not give water or fertilizer to the plant when it is not needed, this will cause the plant to die.

Benefits of Kalpavriksha tree

Kalpavriksha tree is a wish fulfilling plant which fulfills all your wishes, many people plant it only with this wish, but some people do not believe in this. Then in such a situation this plant can become a money earning tree for them. People can earn good profits by selling this plant.

Apart from this, Kalpavriksha tree fills your life with the happiness of success and achievement. It works at a fundamental level to provide you with all-round well-being. And because this tree is very big, it keeps the environment clean and cool. Therefore, you should also plant Kalpavriksha tree in your home or garden.

Buy Kalpavriksha

Story of Kalpavriksha tree

According to ancient stories, Kalpavriksha tree is one of the 14 gems found in Samudra Manthan. Once upon a time. There was a war between demons and gods and in the end it was decided that whatever would come out of Samudra Manthan would be divided equally between gods and demons. Will share.

After that, all the gods and all the demons started churning the ocean using Vashuki snake as their base. After that many types of gems and valuable things started emerging one by one. And along with this Kalpavriksha tree also emerged. But it was only a plant. So no one was interested in taking it, hence this plant came into the share of humans.

That is why this plant is so miraculous. There is also the blessings of the gods on it. However, the churning of the ocean was done to obtain “Amrit”. In which Halahal poison was also released which became the reason for the death of Mahadev wearing Rudraksha.

Since then, Kalpavriksha tree is on the earth and it is said that it fulfills the wishes of the people, but the person asking should have a clean mind because it is a miraculous tree and it reads the mind.

Kalpa Vriksha Local Story

Kalpavriksha tree

Many times I have heard people telling a beautiful story about Kalpavriksha, the story is something like this. There was a time when a poor farmer, saddened by his poverty, was sitting under the Kalpavriksha tree.

He was very sad because his daughter was not getting married. Being poor, he did not have enough money to marry his daughter with pomp and show. But he did not know that the tree under which he was sitting was a wish fulfillment tree.

In his mind, the farmer started talking to the tree and started telling about his sorrow. After that, when the time started approaching, the farmer started going to his home. While going on the way, the farmer found a pot inside which there were many gold and silver ornaments. The farmer was happy to see them and was able to marry his daughter with great pomp.

Important: The farmer’s mind was clear and he needed money for his needs. Hence Kalpavriksha tree also provided him as much money as the farmer needed. Similarly, you should also keep your mind clear and adopt the right things in life.

What is my opinion about Kalpavriksha tree?

There come many such difficult times in life in which it seems as if everything is over. But a right decision can make your life much better. There have been many ups and downs in my life too. That’s why I worship Shri Mata Shyama Kali.

However, it has seemed to me many times that mother is with me and right now it feels as if mother has gone away from me. The reason for this is myself. And I have been punished for the mistake I have committed, now Maa Kali is not with me. But I hope that she has showered her blessings on me. You too should not trust such stories.

Kalpavriksha tree is just a plant and it is a symbol of the beauty of our earth. In today’s time, people use it only to fulfill their wishes which can never be fulfilled. You should not do this, my opinion about Kalpavriksha tree is that it is a beautiful and huge tree which provides cool shade and refreshing atmosphere to the environment.


Is Kalpavriksha tree real?

Kalpa Vriksha is a mythological tree that is said to fulfill all wishes and fulfill all wishes. This plant grows very quickly and from a small plant it turns into a tall tree. Therefore, in Vastu Shastra, Kalpavriksha tree is seen as a symbol of prosperity and happiness.


In this article, I have provided you some information about Kalpavriksha tree. And I hope you liked it, if you have any question in your mind then you can ask me by commenting and to buy a real Kalpavriksha tree. I have given a link to this article which is 100% trusted. Please share your opinion and share this article with others.

Kadam Tree – Learn how You can Grow Kadam Plant (Best Tips)

You will learn how you can plant Kadam Tree in your house or your garden, How to care for it
Kadam Tree

The Kadam Tree is a historical tree that is directly related to Lord Shri Krishna, hence people like this tree very much, although in today’s time, people are not so fond of trees and plants. But there are still some people who loves trees and plants. Due to this, there is visible greenery on the earth.

Kadam Tree is an ancient mythological tree, hence it is believed that this tree has divine power. However, no one has exact information about how true this is. So if you also want more information about Kadam Tree, then this article is for you.

Today’s article will teach you how you can plant Kadam plant in your home or garden and take care of it. Along with this, I have also provided you some other information about the Kadam plant which will force you to respect this tree.

Name of the Tree Kadam Tree
Family Name Madder family
Scientific name Neolamarckia cadamba

What is the benefit of Kadam Tree?

Kadam Tree

Kadam Tree is used for many purposes. Such as, furniture, doors, bed-chairs etc. are also made. If you eat Kadam fruit daily then there will be no disease in your body. Because, Kadam fruit has the power to fight diseases.

Health Benefits: Kadam Tree is also very beneficial for a person suffering from itching, if the juice of 3-4 Kadam leaves is extracted and applied to the itchy area, then the person can get relief in 7 to 8 hours. Apart from this, there are many powders that We use daily it also contains a mixture of Kadam tree leaves.

Apart from this, the Kadam plant fruit is also eaten after drying which keeps the body healthy. Kadam fruit also has the property of killing the bacteria present in the body. Although it is not very big, this tree can protect us from some small infection-causing insects. Consume Kadam fruit powder both in the morning and evening, it will provide you strength.

POST FOR YOU ➤ Brahma kamal – Sacred Saussurea, Care, Vastu, Best Growing tips

How to Grow Kadam Tree

Kadam Tree – Growing Tips

Kadam plant grows very fast and turns into a very big tree, but like every plant, it also needs care. Although in rural areas no one pays much attention to this plant. It grows big on its own, but those who care about it They know about it and take care of it to grow it at home.

Kadam Tree is a beneficial tree that is a great boon from nature for humans. That is why we should take advantage of it, take care of it, and wait for it to grow and appear fruit. So today let me tell you how you can grow Kadam Tree and how to take care of it.

Method of growing Kadam plant

Generally, Kadam tree is grown from its seeds only, but in today’s time almost all the plants can be grown from its stems, hence Kadam tree is also grown in two ways, if you have Kadam tree in your house then A new plant can be grown from its stems. And this plant can also be grown from seeds.

The thing to note is that if the tree is grown from seeds, it takes a long time to produce fruit, and if the plant is grown from stems, then it starts producing fruits very soon. But, the grafted plant can die at any time and it needs more care, and the plant grown from seed is good and also grow very fast.

Therefore, try to grow Kadam plant from its seeds, because this will make your plant healthy and grow faster. And it will not need much care.

Note: If you are buying a Kadam plant from an online shop, then definitely check its length and the present leaves in it. If the plant is not healthy then do not buy it.


You will learn how you can plant Kadam Tree in your house or your garden, How to care for it
Kadam Tree – Soil Tips

Before taking out the Kadam plant from the pot and planting it on the ground. Make the soil fertile, for this, you can use cow dung manure. However, after this plant grows, it does not require any kind of care. But when this plant is small then take proper care of it. For this, you will have to make the soil drainable.

Mix the soil well with compost and keep it soft, there should not be much water in the soil. But the soil should not be too dry. Plant it in a place where the soil remains continuously fertile.


You will learn how you can plant Kadam Tree in your house or your garden, How to care for it
Kadam Tree – Sunlight needs

The morning sun rays and cool evening rays are very good for the Kadam tree. Therefore, keep the plant in such an area where there is no direct sunlight. If you are planting it in your garden then make sure that the sun rays do not fall on this plant in the afternoon.

Due to direct sunlight, the leaves of the plant turn yellow and the plant dies due to the intense rays. Therefore the sun’s rays should also be cool. Some people install it inside the house but it is not right. Because this is a out door plant It is a large tree species that blooms better in spring forests.


You will learn how you can plant Kadam Tree in your house or your garden, How to care for it
Kadam Tree – Watering

This plant does not require much water. When the Kadam tree grows, there is no need to watering it regularly. Only when this plant is small, water it regularly to keep its soil moist. Make sure not to water it more than necessary and the soil should not be dry.

If you have planted it in a pot, then make the pot drainable. Make a hole in the bottom of the pot so that water will drain out and the soil will always remain fertile. By doing this the roots of the plant will be protected from rotting.


When this plant is taking too much time to grow, then it requires more care. This happens because you may have grown this plant from the stems of some other tree.

In such a situation, take more care of the plant, plants grown from stems require liquid fertilizer. But keep in mind that whenever you give it liquid fertilizer, remove its soil carefully.

Good Way: The easiest way is to mix fertilizer in water. Take some liquid fertilizer in a container and mix it with some water. And spread it well near the roots of the plant. By doing this there will be no need to remove its soil and the plant will grow well.

Is Kadam tree native to India?

According to the scriptures, Lord Shri Krishna used to play the flute while sitting under the Kadam plant. That is why people like this tree very much and believe that this tree has divine power. However, no one has any concrete evidence about how true this is.

Therefore, you should also consider this plant as a good and beneficial tree and plant it and take advantage of it. If this tree has any miraculous power as per the scriptures, then you will gradually come to know about it.

In my village too, there is a Kadam tree in the house of one of my neighbors but they are very poor. That’s why I never believe in miracle babies.

Important: Planting a tree means creating a good resource for the environment. Trees provide many benefits to mankind, they take care of our atmosphere and It rains because of them. Therefore we should save such trees.

Kadam tree family name

Kadam tree belongs to the Madder family whose flowers are full of amazing aroma, and its fruits are also very tasty to eat.

Kadam Tree price

Kadam Tree seeds is sold at Rs1,000 per kg in the market, and its wood is available in the market for Rs 2000 to Rs 2200 per cubic foot. This price may vary in different states.

What is the age of Kadam Tree?

The age of Kadam tree is almost 20 years. Out of which this plant grows very fast for 6 to 8 years. And by 20 years it will reach its maximum size.

Can we eat Kadam fruit?

Yes, you can eat Kadam fruit, and it is very good for your health. People living in rural areas know about this fruit and also eat it, it can be eaten only when this fruit is ripe, when it is ripe then the color of this fruit becomes light yellow.

What does Kadam fruit taste like?

Kadam fruit is sweet and sour and a little juicy in taste, most of the fruits taste sweet in taste, but when this fruit is raw then it tastes blan


Kadam Tree is a very good gift for us, and this can provide you many benefits like money and fruits, also this tree saves us from the sun’s rays. so this is a good tree and we should keep this safe and we need to plant this tree in our garden. if you think that the Kadam Tree is a good tree to planting then please Buy this tree form our store, and if you have any questions in your mind then ask me in the comment box.

Krishna Kamal Story – Easy Grow knowledge And Caring

Krishna Kamal
Krishna Kamal

Krishna Kamal is an exotic plant that bears purple and pink colored flowers. It looks very nice and attractive, this flowering plant belongs to a creeper family. Hence this plant can be a new symbol of beauty for your garden.

Therefore, you should also plant the Krishna Kamal plant in your home or garden in this summer season because this plant gives good products in summer days, the flowers of this plant bloom only in the summer season.

Krishna Kamal
Krishna Kamal

If you are attracted to the beauty of this flower, but you do not know how to take care of it. Then this article is for you. In today’s article. I will tell you how you can take care of the Krishna Kamal plant, and what are its benefits. So stay with me.

What is Krishna Kamal story?

This plant is associated with Mahabharata, the biggest war that took place in Kurukshetra. And that is why this flower also has many religious beliefs. If you look at this flower carefully, you will come to know that its 5 yellow petals represent the 5 Pandavas, which are Surrounded by 100 Kauravas, and the green stamens represent the Sudarshan Chakra which belongs to Lord Krishna.

Similarly, this flower completely represents the main characters of Kurukshetra in the story of Mahabharata, hence it has been named Krishna Kamal.

Krishna Kamal

How to grow Krishna Kamal at home?

However, the method of growing almost all plants belonging to creeper species is the same. But there are some plants that require more care.

Krishna Kamal is also a plant that needs care, so you should also know the right way to grow this plant. Like all plants, the Krishna Kamal plant can also be grown from its seeds. Or if you wish, you can grow it from its stems also.

Krishna Kamal
Krishna Kamal

If you want to grow a plant, then put Krishna Kamal seeds in the soil about 7 inches deep and then add enough water and leave it for a few days, this will give the seeds enough time to germinate.

Keep in mind that the soil should be fertile and moist, this will take less time for the plant to grow and the plant will be strong. Once the plant is born from the seed, you will have to take care of it, about which we have mentioned below.

Soil 🥔

Soil plays an important role for all plants, if the soil is not right then no plant will grow properly, therefore every plant needs the right soil, and Krishna Kamal plant also requires a slightly different type of soil.

This plant is a creeper plant, so mix a little fertilizer in the soil in which you are planting it, and the pot in which you are planting the plant should be about 11 to 15 inches big.

But it can be difficult for a common person to prepare the soil, hence I have written the quantity of the mixture below, please read it and prepare the mixture in the same quantity.

Soil 30%
Sand 30%
Compost 40%

Water 💧

Everyone needs water, but there are some plants which do not require as much water as other plants. Therefore, if this plant is given more water than required, this plant will die.

Therefore, whenever you water the Krishna Kamal plant, make sure that it really needs water. To do this, insert your finger into the soil up to 2 inches and see whether the soil is moist or dry. If the soil seems dry then you can add water. And if soil is found then there is no need to add water.

Temperature 🌥️

Krishna Kamal plant is a summer-growing plant and its flowers bloom in the summer season, hence this plant can grow even in 18 to 28-degree temperatures.

Lights ☀️

Sunlight is necessary for every plant, without light no plant can grow on earth, so make sure that you have planted the Krishna Kamal plant in a place where it is getting the morning sun rays.

But only cool rays help a plant to grow, hence you have to protect it from strong rays, so plant the plant in such a place where it gets morning rays and the plant is protected from strong afternoon rays. Although this is a plant which grows best in the summer season, but if the plant is small then it will have to be protected from strong rays.

After the plant grows, it will need plenty of light, so when the plant grows, plant it in a place in the garden where it can grow well. Sometimes the leaves of Krishna Kamal plant turn black due to strong rays, and in such cases you have to keep it in a shady place.

Prevent disease 🐌

Diseases are very common in this plant, but like other plants, this plant can also get disease sometimes. This disease is a common disease that can occur in every plant, hence you will have to take some special steps to eliminate it.

There can be diseases like flies, mites, and aphids in this plant, and to avoid this you can use Kit Nasak available in the shops, and if you feel that Kit Nasak is not helping you then you can do the following. Can also use oil.

Apart from this, to protect the plant from any kind of disease, you will have to keep your garden clean and also take proper care of other plants. If there is any disease in any other plant, then treat that plant properly or else Remove that plant from near Krishna Kamal.

Can we grow Krishna Kamal from cutting?

Yes, Krishna Kamal plant can be grown by cutting, for this take about 4-6 inch cutting from the branch of a good plant and dip it in rooting hormone, after this keep it in a pot with good drainage which should also have good soil inside it. Within a few days, your plant will turn into a new plant which you can now think of planting in the garden.


Can we eat Krishna Kamal fruit?

Yes Krishna Kamal fruit can be eaten, this fruit tastes sweet and spicy which people use in desert.

What is Krishna Kamal flower importance?

Krishna Kamal has spiritual significance as this flower represents the main characters in the war of Mahabharata.

What is Krishna Kamal botanical name?

Krishna Kamal botanical name is (Passion flowers).

What is Krishna Kamal flowering season?

Krishna Kamal flowers bloom in the months of April to November, which is the summer season, if you want, you can get flowers throughout the year by preparing the environment in your house.

What is other name of Krishna Kamal?

Although the name of every flower or every plant is different in different countries, like in India it is called Krishna Kamal and in English it is called (passion flower), similarly the scientific name is (Passiflora incarnata), it is The name is different in different states or countries.

Krishna Kamal Plant Vastu

By the way, in India itself it is seen that people associate plants with some spiritual things, that is why some people keep Krishna Kamal plant in the house also because of Vaastu, although I do not believe in these things, any plant It is good for our environment because plants make our atmosphere beautiful and good.



Krishna Kamal plant is a plant that adds beauty to the garden and its fruit is also eaten. Therefore we should preserve the integrity of such plants, every plant or tree has a different benefit, and hence we should Plants should be loved and saved, tell us your opinion about this by commenting.

Tree cutting machine | Best Wood Cutter Machine | Complete details & Buying Guide

Tree cutting machine
Tree cutting machine

If trees are very big in your Garden and you are having a lot of trouble cutting them, then you need a Tree cutting machine, with the help of this tool you can easily cut any big tree.

There is a need for information about the Tree cutting machine. Because not everyone can operate this tool and there are many companies in the world that make Tree cutting machines. It is not necessary that everyone’s machine is correct.

So today I will guide you on which Tree cutting machine is the best and what is its special feature. So stay with me and keep taking care of the Plants.

Note: Before buying any machine, you have to pay attention to what your requirement is. Every machine has a different feature, so you have to choose the Tree cutting machine according to the price and your needs.

Type of Tree cutting machine

There are 2 types of Tree cutting machines, one is electric-powered, and the other is petrol or other fuel-powered, most of the people use fuel-powered machines, especially in villages, people do not have the facility of current. That’s why they use fuel-powered machines.

You will also have to choose the machine according to your needs and occasion. Different facilities are provided in both types of machines, about which I am going to tell you in this article. So please read this article till the end.

Tree cutting machine
Tree cutting machine

Fuel powered – Tree cutting machine petrol

With this type of machine, you can cut trees in any area and it can be easily transported from one area to another. You get time in this according to the capacity of the fuel, which means that you will have to keep filling the fuel.

This machine is beneficial for those people who do tree-cutting work because there is a lot of expenditure on fuel in the Tree cutting machine which is very difficult for a poor farmer.

Although it is an expense saving machine, it also has many benefits, for this you do not need any wire. As big as the tree is, you can use this machine and harvest it.

Cordless – Tree cutting machine electric

There are two types of machines found in it, one is a machine that runs on direct electricity and the other is a machine that runs on charging. Both are made to perform different tasks. If you have to cut trees or plants on a small scale, then you can use low cost Tree cutting machines which run on charging or battery.

And if you have to cut big trees then you can buy a big machine which is quite expensive, although it is expensive but it will cost you very little in comparison to the fuel cost. Therefore, nowadays most of the people choose Electric Tree cutting machine.

Best 5 Tree cutting machine

Now if you have learned about both types of machines, then I am going to present before you some of the 5 best Tree cutting machines. Although there are many machines available in the market and there is a lot of difference in their prices.

But I have found the best and cheapest machines for you and this is what I am going to present before you. I hope you like it and buy one of these. So without wasting any time read the information given below.

IBAL Electric saw

Tree cutting machine

The first machine is from IBAL which is an electric machine. This machine is quite small in appearance but its work is very big.

I have placed this machine at the first place because its weight is only 5.45kg which is good to carry to any place.

However, you need current to run it. But it can be useful in those areas where there are very big trees like construction and roadside.

Apart from this, this machine works at 1200 rpm which can cut any big tree in a few moments. This machine is also very good in terms of price which almost everyone can buy.

So if you are looking for a machine that is affordable and good in performance, then this machine from IBAL is the best for you.

Pros Star Ratings
Easy to assemble ★★★★☆
Value for money ★★★★☆
Easy to use ★★★★☆
Regulated movement ★★★★☆
Cons Need Long Wire


iBELL 2058CS

Tree cutting machine
Tree cutting machine

With 560M.L fuel capacity, this Tree cutting machine is best for cutting big trees in forests. This is good for those people who do the work of cutting trees and earn their living from it.

This machine runs on petrol so it can be taken anywhere, the problem is that it requires a lot of fuel to run.

The rpm of this machine is more than 3000 which can cut any tree in the blink of an eye, but if you are a farmer then you will have to be careful while running it.

Once this machine starts, it has to be stopped by pressing the button, and it is a petrol fueled machine, hence there is a smell of burning petrol which is not good for everyone, but if the current in your area is If not then you can use this type of machine, it is the best Tree cutting machine for hilly areas.

Pros Star Ratings
Light weight ★★★☆☆
Value for money ★★★☆☆
Easy to use ★★★★☆
Regulated movement ★★★☆☆
Cons High Price


Hetkrishi Mini Cordless Chainsaw Dual Battery

Tree cutting machine
Tree cutting machine

In today’s time, many people are living in poverty, and in such a situation, those people who are dependent only on farming do not have enough money to buy a good machine or expensive tool. In such situations, many companies make such tools which are cheap and also very good in working.

One such tool is from Hetkrishi named Hetkrishi Mini Cordless Chainsaw. This machine is the only battery operated tool which is cheap and capable of cutting any type of tree.

It is best for those people who cannot spend money on petrol, and it is also good for those areas where there is no electricity.

This machine is very small in appearance but its high power motor can cut an ordinary tree in a jiffy, the best thing is that this machine is small and very light which can be traveled with a small bag. And anyone can operate it because it is a hand held Tree cutting machine.

Pros Star Ratings
Easy to assemble ★★★★★
Value for money ★★★★★
Easy to use ★★★★★
Regulated movement ★★★★★
Light weight ★★★★★
Cons Only for small & medium tree


Black+Decker BECS2245-IN

Tree cutting machine
Tree cutting machine

Of all the machines I have told you about so far, this Tree cutting machine can be the best because all those machines have the problem of vibration. No matter how good this machine is, if it shakes too much then an ordinary person will not be able to use it.

That is why BLACK+DECKER has created a wonderful machine BECS2245-IN. You will get to see amazing features in this machine which will prove to be perfect for any ordinary person.

The best thing about this machine is that despite having a 2200W high speed motor, this machine is very light in weight. That is why this machine becomes more useful because the lighter the machine, the easier it will be to use.

Although it is an electric machine which means that you will need a long wire to run it, but this machine is the fastest for cutting trees. And it is provided with kick back chain which is best for cutting wet and dry wood easily and quickly.

Pros Star Ratings
Easy to assemble ★★★★★
Value for money ★★★★☆
Easy to use ★★★★☆
High power ★★★★★
Cons Need Long Wire


JK SuperDrive (B0B57C45TT)

Tree cutting machine

With 58cc high power engine, this machine is capable of cutting any tree in a few seconds. The special thing about this machine is that it can run on petrol or GAS.

In rural areas, most of the people do not have electricity in their homes. And the villagers do not have that much money to buy petro. In such a situation JK SuperDrive (B0B57C45TT) can be a good option.

Because the price of GAS is much less than petrol, and this machine is a high power machine running on GAS, which runs at a speed of 2.7 horse power. Hence this machine is best for cutting big trees present in the forest.

Despite being such a heavy machine. Its weight is only 7 kg, which can create some difficulty for an ordinary person. Therefore we advise you to be cautious.

Pros Star Ratings
Easy to assemble ★★★★☆
Value for money ★★★★★
Easy to use ★★★★☆
High Quality Carburetor ★★★★★
Regulated movement ★★★★☆
Cons Need Safty


Note: JK SuperDrive (B0B57C45TT) is a very fast moving machine which is designed for cutting trees. Compared to other machines this machine runs much faster. So to avoid any accident you should use safety tools. Needed.


How many types of Tree cutting machines are there?

There are two types of Tree cutting machines, one is fuel-powered cordless machine, and the other is electric-powered machine.

How much does a Tree cutting machine cost?

To know the price of any Tree cutting machine, you will have to go to a trusted platform, in this article I have told about the 5 best Tree cutting machines, if you want, you can see their price.

Does Tree cutting machine pollute the environment?

Yes, our every action pollutes the environment, and while harvesting with machines, particles of cut trees start flying in the atmosphere, which pollutes the environment.

Which petrol is used in Tree cutting machine?

You can use ordinary petrol to run the Tree cutting machine.


Tree cutting machine is a tool of the modern world with which big trees are cut. But you should not do this, because trees and plants take care of our atmosphere. But sometimes some trees in the garden become bigger than necessary and in such situations they have to be cut. In such a situation, to avoid damage to the garden, people use Tree cutting machines. If you are also looking for a good Tree cutting machine. Then in this article I have told you about the best machines. Please read them and purchase from the link given by us. Thank you.

Gumshoe plant Use, Benifits, Care & Scientific name of Gumshoeing

Gumshoe plant, Gumshoeing
Gumshoe plant, Gumshoeing

Gumshoe plant is a plant that looks strange and if someone touches it. It feels like a scorpion has bitten them. That is why many people consider it to be just a wild plant and keep it away from their house.

But do you know that Gumshoe plant has many medicinal properties, that very few people are aware of?

Stay tuned in this article, through today’s article I will teach you how you can grow Gumshoe plant in your home and what are its benefits. Hello friends, welcome to Lollipop plant.

In this website you will get information about all types of plants absolutely free of cost using which you can grow any plant in your home. So if you need information about any other plant then enter our blog.

About Gumshoe plant?

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Gumshoe plant is a wild plant that grows in hilly areas, local people also know it by the name of scorpion plant. This plant grows on its own and is seen in forests. But it is cultivated in countries like North America, Africa, Europe.

This is because this plant is a wild plant and hence most people do not know about its benefits. Most people recognize it only as a wild plant and keep it away from their garden. Another reason for this is that this plant is very harmful for the skin.

Touching this plant causes itching in the skin which is equivalent to a scorpion bite, so the hill people call this plant scorpion plant.

Gumshoe plant is green in appearance and its leaves have numerous hairs. Actually, these are small thorns of this plant which probably help it to protect itself.

When these thorns touch someone’s body. It causes a lot of pain because when many thorns touch one place at the same time, many punctures are formed in the skin of the body. And our brain considers it a serious injury due to which we feel pain. In some rural areas, this plant is also known as Kungsi grass.

Gumshoe plant care

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Gumshoe plant is a plant that grows in the forest and does not require any care. But if you want to cultivate this plant in large quantities then you should take care of some things. Please read below and know how you can grow Gumshoe plant in your garden and grow it easily.

Direct sunlight

Like other plants, this plant is not at risk from the sun rays, so you can keep this plant wherever you want. If you want the plant to grow fast, then keep it in a place where the sun rays are strong and fall directly on the plant.

But keep in mind that excessive rays can harm the plant. Because the leaves of the plant get burnt due to strong rays. Therefore, keep it in a place where the sun rays fall for 1-3 hours daily.


This plant can grow in any condition, so it does not require any special soil. Sometimes this plant grows only in sand, so you can grow it in normal soil also. For more yield, you can make the soil a little draining.


This plant can grow well in any kind of pot. It is a creeper plant, so it does not require any specific pot size for more nutrition or growth. If you want, you can grow Gumshoe plant in a 2″ pot. It would be best if you grow this plant in your garden where it will not require care.


Water is very important for any plant, but Gumshoe plant does not need to be watered daily, but keep in mind that its soil should not remain dry, to keep it safe you can water it once in 7 days, due to which this plant will grow well.

Benefits of Gumshoe Plant

Despite being a wild plant, this plant has many medicinal properties which are very beneficial for our body. By using this plant, tribal people cure many diseases of the body, this plant works as a herb, however, it has to be used very carefully because touching it causes itching.

Gumshoe plant contains iron. That is why the hill people use this plant to cure sprains in any part of the body. If there is a sprain anywhere in the body, then grinding the leaves of Gumshoe plant and salt and applying its paste cures the sprain immediately. If there is any problem in the bone, then also applying a paste of Gumshoe leaves cures it.

Gumshoeing plant

Apart from this, hill people make vegetable from Gumshoe plant and eat it. The vegetable is made from its leaves which are prepared like a green vegetable, but the problem is that this plant cannot be held with hands.

Because this plant hurts as much as a scorpion bite when held in hand and this pain lasts for hours. That is why nettle is used to make Gumshoe vegetable, it is washed and cleaned with the help of nettle.

And the hill people do this work very well because they have knowledge about it, the hill people are somehow similar to our ancestors who remind us of the ancient times of human life, our ancestors also used to live their life in the same way as the hill people live even today.

Or we get to learn many things from them, even today there are many things about which we do not know, we spend lakhs to cure a disease. And the same disease is cured by the hill people with just a few steps and that too in a very short time.

Like Gumshoe plant, there are many other plants that work to make human life better but we are not aware about them, that is why you should also respect plants and save them from getting extinct from our earth.

Eating the vegetable of Gumshoeing plant purifies the blood and eating it in winters also prevents a person from feeling cold. Gumshoe vegetable keeps the human body warm. This vegetable is especially eaten with chilladu and bhatura.

Survey: According to history, the use of Gumshoe plant is very old, it is said that in the olden days, no vegetables were available in the hilly areas during the winter season, and this is the reason why people used to cook and eat the vegetable made from Gumshoe plant. An iron pan was used to cook it.

Apart from this, Vitamin C is also found in Gumshoeing plant which is very beneficial for our body and it also removes anaemia and fatigue.

Gumshoe plant Scientific name

The scientific name of Gumshoe plant is Urtica dioica.

Where is Gumshoe plant used?

The leaves of the Gumshoe plant are used to treat sprains in the body and some people even eat it as a vegetable.

Can Gumshoe plant be eaten?

Yes, Gumshoe is a wild plant which has been growing on our land since ages. The hill people cook its leaves as a vegetable and eat them.

Can Gumshoe plant be kept at home?

No, this plant is a wild plant and its leaves have itchy thorns which cause extreme pain when they touch the skin, hence it should not be kept inside the house as it is dangerous for children.


Friends, Gumshoe plant is a plant that has proved beneficial in human life since ancient times. And maybe our ancestors must have survived by eating this plant. This plant also has many medicinal properties, so we should save such plants. Even though this plant is dangerous. It also has many benefits, by the way, what do you think. Tell us by commenting and if you have any questions in your mind then email us.

Esperanza plant – How to Grow – Best Esperanza plant winter care

Esperanza plant
Esperanza plant

The flowers of Esperanza plant are bright and look very attractive. That is why many people want to grow this plant in their garden. But the problem is that some people get confused between Esperanza plant and other flowers that look similar to it.

And, some people do not know how to take care of Esperanza plant. So most of the people are not able to grow this plant properly in their garden and as a result they have to buy this flower from the market.

If you also like bright flowers that attract people from a distance, then Esperanza plant is a great option. In today’s article. I will teach you how you can easily grow Esperanza plant in your garden and get its attractive flowers in a very short time. So stay with me.

About Me

Hello friends, my name is Rani and I am very fond of plants. I love all plants and I can create a different environment for every kind of flower. I have read about many plants present in the world and have also grown them in my garden.

That is why I have created this website where I can give you knowledge about all those plants about which very few people know. And I hope that you will like my every article.

So friends, without wasting time let’s start this article and learn how Esperanza plant can be grown in the right way and what kind of environment is required for it.

About Esperanza plant

Esperanza plant
Esperanza plant
Plant Name Esperanza plant
Botanical name Tecoma stans/Tecoma alata
Common names “Trumpet flower, Yellow bells, Yellow trumpetbush, Yellow elder, Ginger-Thomas, Tecoma plant and yellow bignonia
Native regions Americas from Southern U.S. to Argentina
Plant max size 15 to 30 feet tall, 10 to 30 feet wide

Esperanza plant is also commonly known as “Trumpet flower, Yellow bells, Yellow trumpetbush, Yellow elder, Ginger-Thomas, Tecoma plant and yellow bignonia. The flowers of this plant are red, orange and yellow trumpet-shaped and look very beautiful.

This plant attracts Home birds, Bees, Butterflies, etc. with its beautiful flowers, as it has a mild fragrance and these flowers bloom in clusters together which creates a tropical atmosphere, and all these insect pollinators like it.

Esperanza plant needs a spring-like environment to grow properly. Hence this plant is mostly found in cold free areas like California, Arizona, Texas and Florida and it blooms throughout the year in these areas.

This flower can bloom even in cold areas but after a certain time it stops flowering. If you want this plant to produce flowers throughout the year even in cold areas then you will have to create a proper environment for it. Otherwise, you can plant it as an annual in the house.

So now let us know how you will take care of Esperanza plant and how its flower production can be increased.

How to planting Esperanza plant?

Esperanza plant

Dig the soil well and then add organic manure to it, cow dung is the best option. If cow dung is not available then you can also use liquid fertilizer available in shops.

After this, leave about 4 inches in the soil and dig a pit 8 inches deep. After this plant the plant in the soil, keep in mind that the plant should not go too deep and the root of the plant should also not be visible above the soil, after this pour water and leave it like this for a few days.

Some important things are required for the growth of any plant and some things also have to be taken special care of. Every plant is different and the way to take care of them is also different, so you also have to understand what type of plant you want to grow and what type of environment is required for it.

We are talking about Esperanza plant, so for this also some important things should be kept in mind, about which I have mentioned below, please read carefully.

How to Grow Esperanza plant?

Esperanza plant
Esperanza plant
NOTE: The best time to plant Esperanza plant in home or garden is autumn. This plant grows well in this season because in this season the cold and heat in the atmosphere are equal. Therefore, you should also choose this time.
NOTE: Plant Esperanza plant in a place where it can get sufficient sunlight and also get shade for some time. Both heat and cold together make the plant healthy, which leads to more flowers blooming.

Preparation of Soil:

Esperanza tree prefers sandy soil in which it grows best. If your area does not have sandy soil then also this plant can grow well. This plant can tolerate any type of soil but it just needs some special care.

If you are planting Esperanza in a place where the soil is not sandy, then first you have to make the soil suitable for it, for this you loosen the soil and dig it well with a gardening tool so that the soil becomes drainable.

Although you can use manure, it is not necessary. Esperanza plant grows well in any type of soil, the only requirement is that the soil should be loose so that the roots of the plant can spread easily.

For containers:

Esperanza plant
Esperanza plant

If you are planting the plant in your garden, then it does not require any special things, but if you want to keep it in your home, then you will have to make sure that the pot has adequate drainage so that the water can flow out of the soil.

If the water stays stagnant in the pot, then the roots of the plant start rotting and finally the plant dies. Therefore, you will have to make some holes at the bottom of the pot. Nowadays, such water-draining pots are easily available in online stores. You can buy them if you want.

For more production of plants you can amend the soil in the pot by using Soil at the bottom, Pearl Sand in the middle and Cocopit at the top, this will make the soil more fertile and the plant will grow more effectively.


Esperanza plant
Esperanza plant

Like every plant, Esperanza plant also needs water. After it grows big enough, it can tolerate dry season as well. But for the proper growth of the plant, you need to pay attention to the amount of water given to it.

This plant likes sandy soil, so if your plant is planted in the garden then water it once a week, if the soil is too dry or it is a very hot season then you will have to water it regularly, try to ensure that the soil of the plant does not remain too dry.

If the plant is planted in a pot, you will have to water it daily. In some hot areas, watering may be required more than once a day. But keep in mind that excess water can kill the plant, so do not keep the soil too dry or too wet.


Esperanza plant does not require any special fertilizer, this plant can grow in any season and as I said this plant can grow even in sandy soil only, still for the good health of the plant you can use simple fertilizer like cow dung.

And you can also use organic manure available online. You can also use liquid fertilizer, this will keep the plant healthy. If you live in a hot area, then you can regularly give liquid fertilizer to the plant, especially liquid fertilizer is beneficial for plants planted in pots.

Esperanza Plant Caring

Taking proper care of any plant makes it grow more effectively and give more produce, so you too have to take proper care of any plant. I am not only talking about water or light.

This is necessary for every plant but it is necessary to take care of the plant by cutting it at the right time and cleaning its soil or cleaning the insects that attack the plant. Esperanza plant does not require any special care.

But do check it once in every 5 to 6 months, if any stem has dried up then separate it from the plant, and remove the dried flowers from the plant. If the soil has become too hard then dig it out with the help of a gardening tool. Do not let the plant grow too big, cut the longer stems. This will help the plant to develop new and stronger stems and more flowers will bloom.

Pests and Diseases:

Esperanza plant
Esperanza plant

Every plant has pest problems, common pests like aphids, spider mites or scale are a threat to almost every plant, to protect your Esperanza plant from these you can use insecticides. If the environment is good then these insects will not bother your plants, but plants grown in the garden require insecticides.

Esperanza plant benefits

Esperanza is a plant that has been used for centuries to treat conditions such as diabetes and was believed to have diuretic and anthelmintic properties. The roots of the Esperanza tree were also used to brew a type of country beer.

By the way, if a plant is not used for the treatment of any disease, it does not mean that the plant is useless. Any plant is useful for our environment. Esperanza plant also works to enhance the beauty of the environment. In today’s time, most people grow it to enhance the beauty of their homes.


Esperanza plant is such a plant whose flowers are liked by everyone and this plant attracts people from far away with its bunched flowers, and this plant is a boon for us. So we should save such a boon from getting extinct. By the way what is your opinion, you can tell me by commenting. And if you have any question in your mind then you can ask me on this email CONTACT@LOLLIPOPPLANT.COM.



What is the botanical name of Esperanza plant?

The botanical name of Esperanza is Tecoma stans, syn. Tecoma alata.

What is Esperanza’s Native Region?

The Esperanza plant is native to the American continents, primarily in South America.

What is the height/spread of Esperanza plant?

Esperanza plant can grow from 15 to 30 feet tall and 10 to 30 feet wide in its native habitat or sandy soil , however, today people grow it in their homes and do not allow the plant to grow big for beauty.

When does the Esperanza flower bloom?

Esperanza flowers bloom all year round but in cold areas it only blooms in the spring season.

Is Esperanza aggressive?

Although no concrete evidence has been found so far, the Tecoma strain has been considered invasive in some areas of southern Florida; we do not know the extent of truth in this.

Apple ber plant – Care, How to grow, Benefits & Scientific name

Apple ber plant
Apple ber plant

Did you love to eat Apple ber and you want to grow this plant in your home or Garden? Then this post is only for you. In this post today I will teach you how you can grow the Apple ber plant in your Garden and your Home.

Also, I will share some important guides with you that can help you to keep healthy the Apple ber plant and produce maximum fruits in the main session. So stay on this article and follow all the guides below.

Note: On Lollipop Plant we share Planting and gardening knowledge absolutely free. We share guides after experimenting with all the possibilities in our garden. So these are the real and genuine methods to grow a plant and get maximum production organically.

Apple ber plant scientific name

The scientific name of Apple ber plant is Ziziphus mauritiana

Apple ber plant overview

Apple ber plant is similar plant of Apple and Ber. This fruit provides a mixing test of Apple and normal Ber. So people call it Apple ber fruit.


Some people do not like this fruit because this plant looks exactly a ber plant but do not confused about the normal ber plant and the Apple ber plant. These Tow are completely different plant and fruits or test also different.

Apple ber plant

Flowers start blooming in the apple ber plant from the month of September and by December all the fruits are ripe and ready to eat. Its taste is sweet and a little crunchy which many people like, just like the taste of apple, you get almost the same taste in apple ber fruit as well.

This plant does not require much care, it can grow like a normal plant and can also give you a good product. But for this you should know about the growing of Apple ber plant. If you also want to grow it in your home or garden, then read the growing guide given below.


How to grow apple ber plant?

There are two methods that can be used to grow an Apple ber plant. One method is to grow the plant from seeds and the other is to grow it from the stems of a matured plant. If you want more produce in less time, then use a plant grown from a matured plant.

Plants grown from seeds take a lot of time to produce fruit and it require more care. That is why I recommend using grafted plants from the nursery.

If you want, you can grow it from seeds too but for this you will have to work harder. From taking care of the seeds to the maturing of the plant, you will have to work twice as hard.

  1. To grow an Apple ber tree from a mature plant, you need to find a healthy plant that has already borne fruit.
  2. After this, you have to choose a good branch which is healthy and a little old.
  3. Now cut a little at the bottom of the branch and remove its upper layer.
  4. Now use a mixture of soil (50% soil + 30% Coco peat + 20% organic manure).
  5. Now paste This mixture on the cut part and pack it properly.
  6. Be careful that outside air cannot enter inside and the soil remains wet.
  7. Now leave it like this for a few days, after 28 days to 1 month, this branch will start growing its own roots.
  8. Now you can separate this branch from the plant and plant it in a new pot. Because now it has become a new plant which has its own roots.

How to grow Apple ber plant?

To grow Apple ber plant properly, you have to take care of some things. Although it is a simple plant that can grow in any type of environment. Ber plants are actually found only in forests. This is a delicious fruit discovered by the tribal community.

To grow it you must have some materials like: Grow pot, garden soil, Coco Peat, Compost, Neem oil, and open space.

  1. First of all, take a big pot whose size is at least 20 inches long, 12 inches wide, and 24 inches deep. Keep in mind that the pot should have holes in the bottom for water drainage.
  2. Now prepare proper soil for the plant. For this, make a good mixture of “Garden soil-50%, Cocopeat-20%, Compost- 30%” and mix it in the soil.
  3. Now remove the seedling from the nursery bag and plant it in the pot. Do not put the plant too deep in the soil.

Now pour water into the plant as per the need, keep in mind that the soil should neither be too wet nor too dry.

Flowers start blooming in the apple ber plant from the month of September of the year and they last for one to two months, after a few months these flowers turn into fruits and by the month of December, all the fruits are ready to eat.

In some plants, this time may be less or more. This will depend on the care of your plant and the growing environment. Please follow the guide given below and know how you can take care of your Apple ber plant.


Apple ber plant
Apple ber plant

Light is necessary for every plant. No living being can survive on earth without the rays of the sun. Although there are some plants that grow well only in the dark. But light is essential for almost every plant.

Light is also necessary for the apple ber plant. This plant is a wild plant, so keep it in a place where it gets sunlight for at least 6 to 8 hours a day. But keep in mind that when the plant is small, the sun’s rays should not fall on it. If this happens, your plant will die due to heat. Therefore, in the initial days, it needs cool rays.

When the plant grows, it automatically absorbs the light as per its requirement. If you do not have enough space, you can keep it on your terrace as well.


Apple ber plant
Apple ber plant

The soil for apple ber tree should also be good, well-drained soil is best for the good health of any plant. You also have to keep in mind that the soil you are using should not be sticky or hard. The roots of the plant grow well in light friable soil.

It would be best if you use organic manure in the soil and make it fertile. To make the soil fertile, you can use 50% organic manure and 50% soil. This will make the soil soft and drainage free.

If you are planting the plant in the garden, first dig the soil well and add organic manure to it. After this, make the soil soft by adding water and then plant the plant in the soil.


Apple ber plant
Apple ber plant

As I say in every article, water is necessary for all plants. No plant can grow without water. But water should not be more than required. You have to keep in mind that the plant you are growing should be given water only in the required quantity.

Apple ber plant also does not require much water. If the plant is in the garden then it does not need much water. But if the plant is planted in a pot then check from time to time that the soil of the pot is not dry. If the soil is dry up to 1 inch depth then it needs to be watered.

By giving more water than required, the roots of the plant rot and the plant dies. Therefore, plant the plant in a pot which has holes at the bottom for water to drain out.

Plant Care

Apple ber plant is a plant whose stems are very thin, and they can break easily. When the plant starts flowering, you have to protect the plant from breaking.

The weight of the fruits exerts pressure on the branches of the plant, which causes them to break. To avoid this problem, you will have to provide support to the branches of the plant. For this, you can use Bamboo plant, which will be the cheapest and strongest support.

This will keep your plant safe and you will get more produce. When the fruits become more in number, you will have to protect them from insects, birds, and squirrels. All of these are attracted towards the fruits and cause a lot of damage to the plant.

To avoid these, you should put a fence around the plant. If the plant is planted on your rooftop then there is nothing to fear, but if the plant is planted in the garden then there is always a danger from squirrels and mice. Along with this, there is no need for any special pruning of the Apple ber plant. This plant can grow very easily and can bear fruits for a long time.

Is apple ber good for health?

Apple ber is a fruit with a taste similar to apple and contains protein in large quantities. Apart from this, phosphorus, calcium, carotene, and vitamin C are also found in apple ber. And it can be a great option for health. Especially those people who have a deficiency of Vitamin C can include this fruit in their diet.

Apple ber plant uses

Apple ber contains a large amount of potassium, which maintains electrolyte balance in the body and also promotes muscle function. Apart from this, it contains 18 out of 24 essential amino acids, which support the growth and development of the body. Apple ber is used as medicine for: weight loss, improving digestion, wound healing, skin renewal and strengthening bones.

Apple ber price per kg

Actually the price of Apple ber is 2 to 4$ per kg, but you will have to find out this yourself because the price of fruits is different in different states and countries.

How do you take care of an apple ber plant?

To take care of Apple ber plant, you will have to follow the guide given on our website “Lollipop Plant”, in this article we have explained in detail how you can take care of Apple ber plant.


Apple ber is a fruit which is a boon for our human race. Many types of beneficial ingredients are found in this small fruit which are beneficial for the human body. Therefore, we should save this plant. This plant can grow in all types of environments and it provides a fruit that provides health benefits in our environment. In this article, I have told about how to grow Apple ber plant and how to take care of it. Hope you will like it. If you have any question in your mind, you can ask us by commenting.

Palash tree in english – Butea monosperma (Care & Benifits)

Palash tree
Palash tree

Palash tree is a tree that is used in many things in India. The need and beauty of this plant attract people. Therefore, today we are going to give you complete information about the palash tree in this article. If you also want to get all the information about the Palash tree, then read this article carefully.

Personal experience about Palash tree?

I am a simple person living in a rural area and there are many such trees in my village. I and all my friends used to play a lot on these trees in childhood. We have made many things from the flowers of these trees and played with them.

This tree looked very beautiful, so after coming back from school, all of my friends used to go to this tree and climb on it and play various games. Today, the name of this tree itself has refreshed all those memories of my childhood days spent with it.

These are some memories that can never be forgotten, in my village there are Palash trees with red and yellow flowers and there are lots of them. When these flowers bloom, it seems like someone has decorated the whole village as if it were his wedding.

Although the Palash tree has no importance in my village, people consider it a useless tree and cut it and cook food with its wood. But today I have come to know what is the real importance of this tree.

I still remember the last time I spent with this tree in my village was with my girlfriend when I asked her to meet me while coming to the city. I have cried many times holding this tree and played many games like hide and seek, thief police, etc.

Many times all of us friends would bet together as to who could climb the tree first and at the top. The winner would get a prize. That is why I have a personal experience of the Palash tree which no other person can have.


Complete information about the Palash tree

Palash tree
Palash tree

The palash tree is a tree that enhances the beauty of the environment with its flowers. This is such a blessing of nature to us that it cannot be described in a few words.

The flower of this tree is used for many purposes like dyeing clothes and making natural colours for festivals like Holi. Palash tree has a lot of importance in India which is not there in any other country.

From a distance, this tree looks like a bouquet covered with flowers. It appears as if someone has decorated the forest with a bouquet full of very large yellow flowers.

Information about Palash tree flower

As we said, the flower of the palash tree is yellow in colour. But nothing can look beautiful with just yellow colour. The texture of its flower attracts people.

This flower is extremely beautiful in appearance and it forces one to think who did such a good job and how. Actually, this flower has a total of 5 petals, out of which one is simple and 2 are small petals and one is slightly bent upwards which looks like an elephant’s tooth.

The texture is such that it feels soft and comfortable to touch. And its elephant tooth-like looking petals make the flower even more beautiful.

This tree is visible from a long distance in the forest because it can grow up to a height of 49 feet. Although not all trees are this big, but its height and yellow flowers are visible from a long distance.

Palash tree careing

Palash tree is a tree that grows in shady areas. But this tree needs sunlight to grow. Therefore, it has to be given solid sunlight for 6-7 hours daily.

Although it mostly grows in forests where it receives sunlight and shade on its own. But if you are growing it in your home and you want your Palash tree to grow quickly, then you have to take special care of some things.

A plant like Palash tree can grow well in any environment. But I have explained the rules for this in detail below.

Soil 🟤

Palash plant can grow in any type of soil. But for good growth, you should grow it in moist soil. When the plant is small, you have to keep the soil moist regularly. If possible, you can grow it in slightly acidic soil with 8-9 PH. This is best for palash tree.

But I know that the soil of every state in our country is different, so for any plant, soil has to be made suitable for it. To do this, you can use organic fertilizer, if you do not know how to make organic fertilizer, then you can also buy it online. I have given the link of the best and cheapest fertilizer below.

Get Fertilizer On Amazon

Water 💧

Palash tree
Palash tree watering

Like every plant, Palash tree also needs water, so you have to take care of the water. Keep in mind that when Palash tree is small, do not let it dry. When the plant starts growing, water it as per the requirement.

The best way is to keep the soil moist. Check the soil moisture daily. If the soil feels dry, add water to it. Make sure that the soil is not overly moist and never completely dry.

If more water is given than required, the plant may die and if there is a shortage of water, the plant dries up or takes more time to grow. To grow Palash tree in winters, you can use dry leaves, cover the soil with dry leaves, it will keep the soil moist for a longer time and after a few days it will also work as manure.

Light ☀️

Palash tree
Palash tree sunlight needs

I have already told you that Palash tree is a tree that grows in shade, but if you are growing it in other season then you will have to take care of sunlight also.

Excessive sunlight burns the plant and lack of sunlight does not allow the plant to grow, so grow it in a place where it gets sunlight for at least 6-7 hours a day. Keep in mind that the sunlight should not be strong. Any plant grows easily in cool rays.

Although Palash tree can tolerate temperature of 30 to 45 degree Celsius but this is for trees growing in forests and it is for very big trees, if the plant is a Kota then it cannot tolerate such high heat.

Fertilizer 🧪

Palash tree Fertilizer use

Trees that can easily grow in forests do not require any special type of fertilizer. But today our atmosphere has become so polluted that poisonous things are found in abundance in the air.

Therefore, in today’s time, every tree needs a sufficient amount of fertilizer to grow. If you want your Palash tree to grow quickly and flowers start blooming in large quantities, then you will have to take proper care of the plant.

Manure is a material that helps any plant to stay healthy, so you should also use organic manure once a month (between December to February), if you do not have organic manure then you can use cow dung.

Protecting Palash tree from insects 🐌

Insects are the most dangerous for almost every plant. They attack when the plant starts growing slowly and gives birth to tender leaves. Insects like these tender leaves and flowers very much and hence they bring the most honey to them.

To avoid these you can use some insecticide, if you do not have insecticide then you can also use neem oil or eucalyptus oil. If the plant is already infected by insects then remove the infected part.

NOTE: Do not leave any dead part of the plant as this may attract more insect attacks, so keep the plant clean and take care of it regularly.

In this way you can take care of the Palash tree and can also grow it easily. Believe me, you will get many benefits from this tree. Everyone says that this is a useless tree which is of no use. But if you are knowledgeable then you will definitely know its importance. If you do not know the benefits of Palash tree then please read below and know.

Palash tree benefits

Actually this tree has many benefits which I cannot count for you but there are some special needs about which I have mentioned in this article such as:- The flower of the Palash tree is used in worship in Hindu religion and after decorating with this flower the God looks differently beautiful.

People make colours from its flowers and this foil is also used to dye clothes. Honeybees collect honey from this tree which is considered best for our health. Paper is made from the wood of the Palash tree which is used to make books, apart from this, plates are also made from the leaves of this tree which are used to feed people in any ritual or puja. Although in today’s time more plastic is being used but it is harmful for health.

Diseases like high blood pressure and diarrhea are also treated with Palash tree which is based on Ayurveda. String is made from the bark of the tree and it is also used to make glue.

People use it to enhance the beauty of homes and gardens. The palash tree is such a tree that helps in the business sector and is also not less beautiful than any other tree.

NOTE: Any tree helps in making our environment beautiful and keeping it clean, so even if a tree is of no use to you, it should still be grown because we get oxygen from it, and trees like Palash tree give us employment and also keep our environment clean, it is also food for many insects and it is also home to many birds. That is why you should save it, in my village people cut it down but now, I try to save it and explain its importance to the people of my village. If someone is ignorant, then we should explain to him, teach him, this should be the goal of human life.

Palash tree leaves are commercially used to make edible plates and rotis and are also used for treating skin diseases, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antioxidant, antimicrobial activity, menstrual irregularities, diabetes, vaginal yeast infection, etc.

Palash tree in india

In India, Palash tree is found in abundance in “Bihar (Jharkhand), Odisha, Bengal Ganga River” region. This tree is mostly seen in those areas where a river flows regularly.

Palash tree scientific name

Palash tree scientific name is Butea monosperma.

Palash tree height

This tree can grow from 15 meters (49 feet) to 25 meters (82 feet), in many forests this tree is found to be even bigger than this, in my village this tree is very big.


Palash tree is an ideal tree, we should save it, although it grows in those areas where people do not have much knowledge about it, but if all of you explain about it to people then it will be saved for our future generations and it is possible that many people can earn profit from it. This tree can provide employment to people, but this type of tree is vanishing very fast today, you are requested to save their numbers.

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