Bamboo plant – Benefits, Care, Vastu (Best info Bamboo tree)


Bamboo plant is used to make many types of daily use products. Which would not be wrong if we call Bamboo plant a huge grass. People can earn lakhs by cultivating bamboo plant, bamboo tree is used somewhere in your daily life, from eating ice cream to any kind of household item or in the house, bamboo tree is used. Is. It is a kind of grass which is very big, it is also called the largest grass in the world.

Botanical name of bamboo plant

Bamboo plant – Benefits, Care, Vastu (All Info about Bamboo tree)
Bamboo plant – Benefits, Care, Vastu (All Info about Bamboo tree)

Similarly, the name of bamboo is different in different countries and states. And the botanical name of this plant is Bambusa. In English it is called Bambu, while Asian people call it Ban. Bambusa vulgaris is a species of the large genus Bambusa of the tufted bamboo tribe Bambusiaceae, which is found largely in tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and thrives particularly well in moist soils.

They are also known as Oporun (Yoruba), Iko (Bini), and Atosi (Igbo).

Bamboo plant is used for many purposes, our ancestors used to build their houses with the help of this plant, and Bamboo plant was also used for some technical materials.

History of Bamboo Plant

As we said that in ancient times this plant was the most used plant. And even today it is used for many purposes, Bamboo plant was used in almost every equipment used in ancient times.

People used Bamboo plant for some important instruments like Baskets, Bows, Arrows, Roof of house, building walls, musical instruments like “Pan Banshuri, Bamboo Xylophone”, chairs, sticks, flutes, etc.

Bamboo plant – Benefits, Care, Vastu (All Info about Bamboo tree)

Apart from this, this plant was used for many household purposes and even today some people use it. Even today. Tools made from bamboo plant can be seen in the tribal community living in the city.

This plant is one of the simplest and most productive plants, there is no specific maintenance technique for it, this plant can grow easily in any soil, and many plants grow from a single plant which are very tall. Is.

Bamboo plant benefits

If we look at the benefits of using bamboo, then it has many benefits. No matter what you have in your house, from plywood to chair and anything else, bamboo is always used in it. In today’s time it has a new meaning. Business is going on.

Even though our world has become modern, we still use many materials made from the Bamboo plant in our homes, and some companies are using it to make daily used materials such as toothbrushes, plates, etc. This is causing a loss of lakhs.

Now Babu becomes the first one to apply. If you cultivate bamboo, you can earn lakhs, and for this you do not need to spend much, that is why this plant is a beneficial plant because it provides employment.

You do not need to invest much, you get more profits in investment, so let us know. Be it how bamboo is cultivated or what material will be used in tempo farming or what you have to do in it.

How to cultivate Bamboo plant?

Bamboo plant – Benefits, Care, Vastu (All Info about Bamboo tree)
Bamboo plant – Care of Bamboo tree 🌱

It is very easy to cultivate Bamboo plant, just plant it in one place and keep watering it regularly. This plant will start growing on its own, but keep in mind that the soil in which you are planting this plant should not be dry. .

In the initial days, Bamboo plant requires water to grow, when this plant forms its roots then it does not require water, it itself forms its roots deep deep in the soil and it receives water from it. .

Also, this plant propagates its other branches which grow up and transform into another Bamboo plant, apart from this, note that if you are cultivating it in large quantities then plant it at sufficient distance, at least two plants. There should be a gap of 10 feet between them.

🌱 – Lights

Like every plant, this plant also needs light, hence this plant mostly grows well in forests, if you have planted it inside your house, then keep it in such a place where the morning sun rays fall directly on the plant. Although the Bamboo plants kept in the house are very small, which have been made with scientific technology, it enhances the beauty of the house.

🌱 – Water

Bamboo plant requires water in the initial days. When it grows, this plant itself stores water by mixing with the soil.

🌱 – Soil

So, what kind of soil does a tree need? Does a tree need good soil to grow well or not? As you understand, this type of soil is always dung,

Or we can also use the water that is left in our house after harvesting paddy. It provides ample nutrition to the plants.

By using such missions, your pass grows very fast, with the help of which you can make it very big in a short time.

🌱 – Temperature

Bus cultivation is found in India and is done in India, these plants require a temperature ranging from 7 degrees to 40 degrees Celsius to grow properly. They can grow properly in this temperature.

The temperature seen in India is 20°C 🌤️, due to which the bamboo factory becomes a bit crooked, but its ideal temperature is from 7 to 40°C 🌤️.

🌱 – To fertilize

Actually, fertilizer is not necessary for this plant, but if you use fertilizer in large quantities, then a little dust may be seen in the product, this tree grows without fertilizer.

🌱 – Harvesting

Now it is very important to know how to harvest it, if you have planted a bamboo tree, then by cutting it gradually, all the bamboo shoots grow somewhere.

You can harvest advocate reed only after 3 years, (bamboo reed can be harvested only after 3 years)

During harvesting, you will have to cut three to four or five pieces, which will make it easier to increase your remaining passes. You have to pay attention to those things which create difficulty in making the bus. You have to cut only those things.

How did bamboo originate?

Although no one knows the exact place of birth of any plant, but according to the old story, this plant was born due to a terrible incident, the story is something like this.

There were 4 brothers and a sister in a farmer’s house, 4 brothers were farmers who worked in the fields every day and the sister used to cook food, one day while cooking, the sister’s finger got cut due to which some blood fell into the food. When four brothers come home and eat the food prepared by their sister, they find the food very tasty.

When asked, the sister tells about the incident that happened to her, after hearing this, 3 brothers think that if eating a drop of sister’s blood is so tasty, then how delicious will her flesh be, thinking that 4 brothers kill the sister and The meat is cooked and eaten, but one of the brothers refuses to eat it, so that brothers decide to buried the meat in the soil.

After a few days, Bamboo plant grows at that place, which people then start worshiping as Bansa Devi, although this is just a story and there is no concrete evidence for it, but it is still prevalent in some tribal communities.

Where to place bamboo plant in house

Bamboo plant – Benefits, Care, Vastu (All Info about Bamboo tree)
Bamboo plant – Benefits, Care, Vastu (All Info about Bamboo tree)

If you want to plant a bamboo plant somewhere in the garden next to your house, then you can do it, it is very good, although there are many species in the bamboo plant, you will find two-three types of species in it.

Many people keep the smallest species of Bamboo plant on their table or in any corner of the house to promote beauty, and it also looks very attractive, if you also want to buy Bamboo plant for indoor use. So buy from the link given below.

You should plant the Laban tree at a distance from the house because due to its density, it becomes a habitat for snakes and scorpions. If you do not take proper care of it then it can become a habitat for snakes and scorpions. To avoid this, this type of tree should never be planted inside or near the house.

Note: Bamboo shoots can attain heights ranging from 10 to 15 cm (about 4 to 6 inches) in the smallest species to over 40 meters (about 130 feet) in the largest species. While narrow leaves on young cuttings usually grow directly from the stem rings, mature cuttings often grow horizontal leafy branches.

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Bamboo plant Vastu

You must have seen bamboo trees being kept as decoration in many houses, and the name of the most commonly used domestic bamboo plant is “Lucky Bamboo plant” about which many actually get a lot of benefits from it and it is Keeping it in the house is considered very lucky.

Some pundits have advised to keep Bamboo plant inside the house or on the table in the office, this instruction is given to every person according to his zodiac sign and his crisis.

You will see a red thread tied near the Babu tree kept in your home or office, it is considered a symbol of fire.

It is believed that if you keep the bamboo plant towards the east then the people of the house will not have any health related problems.

If you keep it in both south and east direction then you will not have shortage of money and it will be helpful in your arrival of money.

Bamboo tree at home & office

Although you might have seen many companies keeping bamboo trees as decoration in their homes. Actually it provides a lot of benefits and keeping it in the house is considered very lucky.

So after knowing in which direction and in which Vaastu it should be kept, it will be very beneficial for you. If a friend lives in your house or company or office, then according to Vastu he is considered lucky.

You will see a red thread tied near the Babu tree kept in your home or office. It is considered a symbol of fire.

It is believed that if you keep the bamboo plant towards the east then the people of the house will not have any health related problems.

If you keep it in both South and East direction then you will not have shortage of money and it will be helpful in your arrival of money. To get more benefits from Babu tree, you can also keep it in your bedroom.

Note: You have to keep in mind that if you are keeping the bamboo tree in the bedroom of the house, then you should sleep with your head towards it and it should remain on your right side. This increases love between your husband and wife. If you keep it somewhere else in the bedroom then there may be a fight between you two.

Why bamboo plant Is lucky?

For centuries it has been believed that keeping a bamboo plant in the house is considered very lucky. It affects the Vaastu of company, office and even house. Bamboo plant has the power to attract positive energy, along with this, bamboo plant also has the power to reduce negative energy, due to this quality of bamboo plant it is considered lucky.

What is the scientific name of bamboo?

The scientific name of Bamboo plant is Bambusa which is the main species of this plant.


Bamboo plant is a plant that humans will continue to use for centuries. And the equipment made from it is environmentally friendly, so it should be used. And historical plants like Bamboo should be protected from extinction. Tell us what you think by commenting, and if you liked this article then share it with your friends.

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