Palash tree in english – Butea monosperma (Care & Benifits)


Palash tree is a tree that is used in many things in India. The need and beauty of this plant attract people. Therefore, today we are going to give you complete information about the palash tree in this article. If you also want to get all the information about the Palash tree, then read this article carefully.

Personal experience about Palash tree?

I am a simple person living in a rural area and there are many such trees in my village. I and all my friends used to play a lot on these trees in childhood. We have made many things from the flowers of these trees and played with them.

This tree looked very beautiful, so after coming back from school, all of my friends used to go to this tree and climb on it and play various games. Today, the name of this tree itself has refreshed all those memories of my childhood days spent with it.

These are some memories that can never be forgotten, in my village there are Palash trees with red and yellow flowers and there are lots of them. When these flowers bloom, it seems like someone has decorated the whole village as if it were his wedding.

Although the Palash tree has no importance in my village, people consider it a useless tree and cut it and cook food with its wood. But today I have come to know what is the real importance of this tree.

I still remember the last time I spent with this tree in my village was with my girlfriend when I asked her to meet me while coming to the city. I have cried many times holding this tree and played many games like hide and seek, thief police, etc.

Many times all of us friends would bet together as to who could climb the tree first and at the top. The winner would get a prize. That is why I have a personal experience of the Palash tree which no other person can have.


Complete information about the Palash tree

Palash tree
Palash tree

The palash tree is a tree that enhances the beauty of the environment with its flowers. This is such a blessing of nature to us that it cannot be described in a few words.

The flower of this tree is used for many purposes like dyeing clothes and making natural colours for festivals like Holi. Palash tree has a lot of importance in India which is not there in any other country.

From a distance, this tree looks like a bouquet covered with flowers. It appears as if someone has decorated the forest with a bouquet full of very large yellow flowers.

Information about Palash tree flower

As we said, the flower of the palash tree is yellow in colour. But nothing can look beautiful with just yellow colour. The texture of its flower attracts people.

This flower is extremely beautiful in appearance and it forces one to think who did such a good job and how. Actually, this flower has a total of 5 petals, out of which one is simple and 2 are small petals and one is slightly bent upwards which looks like an elephant’s tooth.

The texture is such that it feels soft and comfortable to touch. And its elephant tooth-like looking petals make the flower even more beautiful.

This tree is visible from a long distance in the forest because it can grow up to a height of 49 feet. Although not all trees are this big, but its height and yellow flowers are visible from a long distance.

Palash tree careing

Palash tree is a tree that grows in shady areas. But this tree needs sunlight to grow. Therefore, it has to be given solid sunlight for 6-7 hours daily.

Although it mostly grows in forests where it receives sunlight and shade on its own. But if you are growing it in your home and you want your Palash tree to grow quickly, then you have to take special care of some things.

A plant like Palash tree can grow well in any environment. But I have explained the rules for this in detail below.

Soil 🟤

Palash plant can grow in any type of soil. But for good growth, you should grow it in moist soil. When the plant is small, you have to keep the soil moist regularly. If possible, you can grow it in slightly acidic soil with 8-9 PH. This is best for palash tree.

But I know that the soil of every state in our country is different, so for any plant, soil has to be made suitable for it. To do this, you can use organic fertilizer, if you do not know how to make organic fertilizer, then you can also buy it online. I have given the link of the best and cheapest fertilizer below.

Get Fertilizer On Amazon

Water 💧

Palash tree
Palash tree watering

Like every plant, Palash tree also needs water, so you have to take care of the water. Keep in mind that when Palash tree is small, do not let it dry. When the plant starts growing, water it as per the requirement.

The best way is to keep the soil moist. Check the soil moisture daily. If the soil feels dry, add water to it. Make sure that the soil is not overly moist and never completely dry.

If more water is given than required, the plant may die and if there is a shortage of water, the plant dries up or takes more time to grow. To grow Palash tree in winters, you can use dry leaves, cover the soil with dry leaves, it will keep the soil moist for a longer time and after a few days it will also work as manure.

Light ☀️

Palash tree
Palash tree sunlight needs

I have already told you that Palash tree is a tree that grows in shade, but if you are growing it in other season then you will have to take care of sunlight also.

Excessive sunlight burns the plant and lack of sunlight does not allow the plant to grow, so grow it in a place where it gets sunlight for at least 6-7 hours a day. Keep in mind that the sunlight should not be strong. Any plant grows easily in cool rays.

Although Palash tree can tolerate temperature of 30 to 45 degree Celsius but this is for trees growing in forests and it is for very big trees, if the plant is a Kota then it cannot tolerate such high heat.

Fertilizer 🧪

Palash tree Fertilizer use

Trees that can easily grow in forests do not require any special type of fertilizer. But today our atmosphere has become so polluted that poisonous things are found in abundance in the air.

Therefore, in today’s time, every tree needs a sufficient amount of fertilizer to grow. If you want your Palash tree to grow quickly and flowers start blooming in large quantities, then you will have to take proper care of the plant.

Manure is a material that helps any plant to stay healthy, so you should also use organic manure once a month (between December to February), if you do not have organic manure then you can use cow dung.

Protecting Palash tree from insects 🐌

Insects are the most dangerous for almost every plant. They attack when the plant starts growing slowly and gives birth to tender leaves. Insects like these tender leaves and flowers very much and hence they bring the most honey to them.

To avoid these you can use some insecticide, if you do not have insecticide then you can also use neem oil or eucalyptus oil. If the plant is already infected by insects then remove the infected part.

NOTE: Do not leave any dead part of the plant as this may attract more insect attacks, so keep the plant clean and take care of it regularly.

In this way you can take care of the Palash tree and can also grow it easily. Believe me, you will get many benefits from this tree. Everyone says that this is a useless tree which is of no use. But if you are knowledgeable then you will definitely know its importance. If you do not know the benefits of Palash tree then please read below and know.

Palash tree benefits

Actually this tree has many benefits which I cannot count for you but there are some special needs about which I have mentioned in this article such as:- The flower of the Palash tree is used in worship in Hindu religion and after decorating with this flower the God looks differently beautiful.

People make colours from its flowers and this foil is also used to dye clothes. Honeybees collect honey from this tree which is considered best for our health. Paper is made from the wood of the Palash tree which is used to make books, apart from this, plates are also made from the leaves of this tree which are used to feed people in any ritual or puja. Although in today’s time more plastic is being used but it is harmful for health.

Diseases like high blood pressure and diarrhea are also treated with Palash tree which is based on Ayurveda. String is made from the bark of the tree and it is also used to make glue.

People use it to enhance the beauty of homes and gardens. The palash tree is such a tree that helps in the business sector and is also not less beautiful than any other tree.

NOTE: Any tree helps in making our environment beautiful and keeping it clean, so even if a tree is of no use to you, it should still be grown because we get oxygen from it, and trees like Palash tree give us employment and also keep our environment clean, it is also food for many insects and it is also home to many birds. That is why you should save it, in my village people cut it down but now, I try to save it and explain its importance to the people of my village. If someone is ignorant, then we should explain to him, teach him, this should be the goal of human life.

Palash tree leaves are commercially used to make edible plates and rotis and are also used for treating skin diseases, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antioxidant, antimicrobial activity, menstrual irregularities, diabetes, vaginal yeast infection, etc.

Palash tree in india

In India, Palash tree is found in abundance in “Bihar (Jharkhand), Odisha, Bengal Ganga River” region. This tree is mostly seen in those areas where a river flows regularly.

Palash tree scientific name

Palash tree scientific name is Butea monosperma.

Palash tree height

This tree can grow from 15 meters (49 feet) to 25 meters (82 feet), in many forests this tree is found to be even bigger than this, in my village this tree is very big.


Palash tree is an ideal tree, we should save it, although it grows in those areas where people do not have much knowledge about it, but if all of you explain about it to people then it will be saved for our future generations and it is possible that many people can earn profit from it. This tree can provide employment to people, but this type of tree is vanishing very fast today, you are requested to save their numbers.

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